Appeal to all #resister friends 🙏🙏🙏 can we talk?

It's crunch time. Conservative voters are making the jump to #BidenHarris2020. It's time to set aside outrage, and focus.

If you see posts from new Dems or even #RepublicansForBiden, please boost them. RT, follow. Say hi. 1/
The last 4 years have been traumatic 🔥af🔥

So this is a big ask

If you are moved to go on attack, please, think again. Yes, they're late to the party. Yes, the sh*tshow could have been avoided. Yes, we're all paying, some with our lives.

Reproaches don't build coalitions 2/
Michelle and Barack are asking us to #gohigh. They're right. Binding up the nation's wounds starts now. They also know what it takes to win elections.

Don't hate on #trumpregrets folk. If nothing else, leave them be.Take the fight to unrepentant MAGA and delusional QAnon 😠👿 3/
If you're moved to do more, follow @RVAT2020, @CVAT2020, @ProjectLincoln and similar accounts.

FWIW, I've voted straight D or P for 40 yrs. I used to have civil debates with conservatives. Now I'd settle for detente with my Rep older brother.

You can follow @MercyIsClassy.
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