Let's take a walk, shall we? First let's look at this stupid hashtag, "The Rising." Anybody familiar with this? Might want to. Don't get bogged in the details. Rather, strike a balance btw micro and macro then evaluate. Also, file for later. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Easter_Rising
But let's not stop there! Ever heard of the BOOK? "The Rising" is a book pub. 2005 (Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins) and guess what THAT'S about! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rising_(LaHaye_novel)
Also from Wikipedia, "Through genetic engineering and the power of the Prince of Darkness himself, Marilena is about to become a chosen vessel, an exact contrary to the Virgin Mary, one who will unknowingly give birth to the greatest evil the world has ever known."
HOWEVER, "Halfway around the world, God's plans are subtly being carried out too...And good and evil will clash in an explosion that will shake the world." 👀 #GodWins
But hold on! Ya girl ain't done. There's another book called "The Rising" and this one is even worse. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Rising_(Keene_novel) It was optioned for video game asaptation in 2004. It gets better! Read on.
In the book, there is a zombie named Ob from The Void or some sh*t. This void is synonomous with HELL. "He learns that the zombies are not occupied by their original selves but instead a different evil entity with access to the host body's memories." 🤔 Data harvesting much?
I find it all to be fairly disgusting so y'all can just read the plot description. It's all a bit much for me.
So this wack flag in the background, can we talk about THAT? Let's. They SAY they want to make the country better. What country is that? Never seen THAT flag before. But the RED STAR is definitely a symbol of COMMUNISM and I need not remind ANY of my fellow patriots that...
...COMMUNIST CHINA came out and said they are backing Joe Biden. Yeah I bet they are and it would appear that the love affair is mutual. OUR flag does NOT have RED STARS. OUR FLAG has WHITE STARS. So that red star flag? That was a comm and don't you doubt it!
Additionally, they pushed empathy. 🙄 You see, what they are doing with THAT is a mass scale gaslighting event and the goal is to mold a victim culture voting populus. Stay with me. Victims of narcissistic abuse either swing empath or become narcs themselves. This was ALSO a comm
But more subversisve. THIS was a way of saying, "Look at that evil narcissist Trump! And all of his evil narcissist "children" but YOU, my dears, YOU are special for YOU are empaths and WE EMPATHS must stick together! I suppose you could say it was a bit of a psy op of sorts.
Let's revisit data harvesting. They "know" our habits and proclivities and the like. In order to see beyond the veneer, you MUST pay VERY close attention to the signaling and the LANGUAGE. This is what the we refer to as LOVE BOMBING. They're MIRRORING back what they predictively
"know" we want to hear and what this does is create the early stages of an attachment that later becomes what we call the trauma bind. "THINK MIRROR."
So while this may seem a bit outer limits, I can assure you it is not. They are attempting to manipulate emotions with inauthentic connectivity which will be weaponized against people later, ostensibly after the election. The red stars symbolize their dedication to a globalist
agenda thereby ensuring that their agenda of conducting business as usual is executed sans a single raised eyebrow remains relatively interrupted. They are aware of the mistakes that coat them the election last time and are resolute to not make the same mistakes again.
So, in deference to that fact, fellow Patriots + Warrior Angels alike, I strongly urge you to suit up + re-commit your hearts more strongly than ever before. A teacher of mine once said to me, "Never get comfortable for when you do, the demons have you right where they want you."
And if you get stuck, lean into the quiet forest home of your unshakable faith and in doing so, please remember this: "The wound is the place where the light eneters you."(Rumi)The only reason we are willingly engaging in this battle is bc understand that the REAL "spoils of war"
Come in the form of the freedoms of those for whom we've fought. The world can be a quite soulless place at times but we will do everything in our power to strike these nefarious globalists down and restore grace to our Republic. So please promise me that you will NOT forget this
WE ARE THE PARTY OF LAW AND ORDER, ONE NATION, UNDER GOD. Take good care and hold each other up. We're in this together. ✝️✨👊🏽
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