Israel: All lies.
After 1,5 year waiting for implementation of #NordicModel #EqualityModel, their Minister Amir Ohana @AmirOhana informed the Ministry of Justice he would not sign to give fines to sex buyers + prevent the law against abuse indefinitely.
1 Male sabotages #NordicModel in #Israel
No Respect for the law and activists, Inadequate Funding to support persons in prostitution to exit, the Culture of Sexual Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls in Israel continues.
Israel #NordicModel #EqualityModel, All Lies!
#VAWG and Rape Culture continues
Nitzan Kahana: "The police and the Ministry of Welfare in #Israel say they were prepared for enforcement of #NordicModel."
" #Israel has over 14,000 sex workers, incl 3,000 minors. Of the women engaged in sex work, 62% are mothers of children under the age of 18, and 76% said they would have left the cycle of prostitution if they had the opportunity to do so.",7340,L-5448547,00.html @Ayelet__Shaked
"It also raises a lot of questions – how is it that none of those involved understood this was rape?"
For these guys it's similar as lining up at a person in prostitution, with her they thought they could get it for free. They don't care! It's Rape Culture
Visiting a prostitute, gang raping a girl, being dominant and sexually aggressive with a lover, these are all manhood rituals inside #RapeCulture.
As #Dworkin puts it, “rape is not committed by psychopaths or deviants from our social norms—rape is committed by exemplars of our social norms... Rape is no excess, no aberration, no accident, no mistake—it embodies sexuality as the culture defines it”.
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