1) Every day it's more crystal clear what's going on. #COVID19 is excuse for brazen globalist power grab. The completely corrupt #MSM, Hollywood, music industry being used to con, distract normies while it's done. #newnormal
2) If you wanna know who creepiest clowns are, look to #MSM. More they quack on about how wonderful someone is, more likely he's an evil scumbag. Take Jacinda, the Fake of Empathy. MSM always gushing over her. Now ready to kidnap folk with sniffles, throw 'em in gulags.
3) #Fakenews flogs also desperately tryna present the Goblin of the South as super-compassionate dude working ring off for the people. Doesn't actually wanna suspend democracy. No! Has to, to keep all safe from flu-like illness. Not #DictatorDan. Doing this coz he cares!
4) Then there's Brett Sutton, dreamboat for frightbats. Mentally ill women make throw pillows with his puffy mug on it so they can hug him in isolation. Stockholm syndrome or what! Cat's paw of World Stealth Organization. More Yellow Hyena than "Silver Fox". #Stage4Lockdown
5) #DictatorDan and army of creepy clowns, as well as conga line of suckholes in MSM (h/t Latho) are absolute worst. But plan clearly meant to include other states. Mark McGowan up to no good. Vice-like grip and slyly installing facial recognition. What a slippery scumbag!
6) Entire political establishment in #Canberra, and pretty much every MSM "journalist" is controlled arsehat of Deep State, globalist Cabal. None are leaders we thought they were -- including #ScoMo. Same applies retrospectively. JoHo, Hawke, etc, all puppets. #Auspol
7) Tragic team of narcissistic wankers who make up our ruling elite (and those who "report" on them) think they can keep enough duped, distracted with corona crap etc to weather yuge storm resulting from #Trump unleashing hell on enemies who tried coup ( #Auspol implicated).
8) Well, they've got another think coming. Hourly more Aussies uninstall sick programming long running minds (think Microsoft, Bill Gates), switch to "open source" open inquiry (think Q). They are standing back, thinking for selves. See whole putrid shitshow for what it is.
9) By time Guantanamo Hotel starts getting some new big name bookings, many millions of Aussies (maybe majority) will know the score. MSM will try to make this look like #Trump being dictator. But most will be glad evil system is being taken down, not buy "official" story.
10) They'll see that world long run by creepy clowns (oft rock spiders) atop giant circus tent. #Auspol (like all Western countries) controlled by these ghouls, conducted within its walls, made to look like robust democracy. http://www.matthaydenblog.com/2020/03/its-war-coronavirus-cure-versus.html #GreatAwakeningWorldwide
11) Aussies will demand justice, #Auspol deep cleaning across board. If #ScoMo et al think they can put us back in box, follow thru with evil social credit system (that #DictatorDan installing now) they'll meet resistance that makes Vietnam War demos look like Biden rally.
12) Only fix: go full Tiananmen Square. Doubt they have the nerve. Goblin of the South aside, "leaders" not dinkum evil. Globalist elite flicked switch to tyranny yugely prematurely. Boiling frog might've worked. This won't. We're scalded, angry. A plague of us! We will win!
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