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Nuanced thinking required. Reading this thread requires comprehending these 2 statements are NOT the same.

A) I want Donald Trump to win.

B) I support Donald Trump.

If U get the difference b/t these statements proceed at your own caution. If not, run
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Every politician wants U 2 believe the sky is falling. They want U 2 believe the world is about 2 end & only they can save u. They want u 2 believe every election is the most ginormous election ever & that they are indispensable to your life. Dont believe them.
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Politicians dont like voters who can think 4 themselves. They want U to go to the polls filled with emotion & NOT reason. Like a pimp who exercises control over his hoes, politicians exercise control over their voters...that is until us hoes revolt. Lets revolt bitches.
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Many black folk love Obama despite the fact he did nothing for black folk, but even if I were to accept the conjecture that Obama was great for Negroes, that would require me to love George W. Bush. Why? B/c you don't get Obama without Bush.
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If George W. Bush was a better president, Hillary wins & u never hear of Obama. The joke was that "Bush ran the country into the ground so bad, he made it possible for a black man to be elected president." Hilarious indeed, but there is a lot of truth in that joke.
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Presidents are elected in contrast to their predecessors. Hillary Clinton could not escape her Iraq vote & many Democrats wanted something new & somewhat anti-establishment. Little did we know Obama was simply the next generation of the establishment in waiting.
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So if U believe Obama was a great president, U don't get him without the failures of Bush. Now Biden is running on "I'll get us back to normal" but "normal" was never normal or good for many of us. Hence Jesse Jackson's late endorsement of Bernie Sanders & his statement,
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that "black people's problems are not moderate."Keep in mind it was Obama who admitted in a different time he would be considered a "moderate Republican." Yet here we are w/Obama 2.0 in Biden & Obama 3.0 in Harris on the ballot. Thats 24 yrs of Obama, 24 yrs of moderates
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I need U 2 get just how horrible that would be 4 black people & 4 most people at the bottom in America. Establishment Democrats' retort will always be that Trump is much worse & that U should continue America's time honored tradition of lesser-than-2-evils voting
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Such a voting scheme will always yield little for people at the bottom, which is why the Dean of the School Education at the University of Mississippi uttered these words when Congress was debating the Civil Rights Act of 1964: "If Niggers want civil rights, then,...
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let them eat them as crumbs off the floor from the white man's table." Riddle me this: when have black people ever gotten anything other than crumbs? Every election, Negroes get preached these sermons about people dying for us to have the right to vote. Yet few of us...
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see the fruits of such labor in our daily lives. What is more egregious is the role the first so-called black president played in depressing the black electorate. We followed our elder's ballot-as-salvation mantra & turned out en masse to elect the 1st black president,
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And what did that get us? Rampant unemployment, foreclosures, increased healthcare costs & bullet riddled bodies by white cops who couldn't kill Obama so they killed us. Meanwhile, the Obamas globetrotting with billionaires & we aint got shit 2 show 4 our electing him.
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Now his right hand man & femme doppelganger want us to believe things will be different with them. Miss me with that bullshit. Biden had one last opportunity to prove his opponents wrong about him & that was to select a person from the progressive side of the aisle.
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I really need you 2 get how tone deaf Biden is & how that tone deafness communicates that his presidency will be more of the same. Biden elevated a candidate who voters soundly rejected. Many voters rightfully viewed Harris as inauthentic, but Biden overruled voters.
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I need U to get the fact that Harris is not the choice of the Democratic electorate. She is the choice of Democratic elites. Joe Biden just pulled a superdelegate antidemocratic move in selecting Kamala Harris & he doubled down on establishment politics.
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Once again, Dems have taken a good portion of the electorate for granted & the "who else you gone vote-for" crowd has enslaved the entire electorate to "lesser-than-2-evils-voting." Put simply, Joe Biden just said "fuck the voters." I say we respond in kind.
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Before reading further, go back & read the first tweet in this thread. I'll wait....

Snap back.

All of this brings me to the following thesis: If you want black people to prosper long term in America, you should want Donald Trump to win this November. Walk with me.
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Just as those who love Obama should be glad Al Gore lost to George W. Bush 2000, Negroes should be happy if Joe Biden loses come November for it will destroy establishment democrats & give way to a far more progressive leadership. If establishment Dems win this fall,
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they will stay in power for at least another 3 decades. Gradualism & moderate policy will continue despite mounting evidence this country is in dire need of a radical, if not revolutionary policy shift to lift black people and other people at the bottom.
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Thus, we must have the courage to collect the political infinity gems needed to construct the infinity gauntlet required to snap our fingers & blow up the entire election. Some people will do this by 3rd party voting & write-ins. Others by voting down ballot & leaving..
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the presidential ballot blank. I have even heard of a movement of some Negroes writing in "Reparations" 4 president. Others will simply stay at home. Either of these methods will collectively be the finger snap required to bring down establishment Dems once & 4 all.
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The inescapable fact is that Joe Biden & Kamala Harris have collectively done more harm to black people over the past 50 years than Donald Trump's mere 4 years in office. Again, return to Tweet#1: there is difference between supporting Donald Trump & wanting him to win.
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In Fannie Lou Hamer's words, "I am sick and tired of being sick and tired." I'm also tired of being told to wait for justice, wait for opportunity, wait 4 equality & wait 4 reparations. Biden & Harris will be more of the same & anybody telling U different is lying to U.
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I didnt say vote 4 Trump. I didnt say support him. I said want him 2 win. For in the long term, a more progressive leader is waiting 2 rise from Dems rubble if Biden loses. I know this will be painful for many, but think of it as pain b4 orgasm. Thanos fingersnap. Boom.
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