Story Za Tonnie Sn 2 Ep 9(Why I Stopped Dating 😂🍆🍑)
I have come to conclude that love is a scam,we're all in it for selfish reasons. Think about it, you are with someone because there's something they have that you like, from material things to looks, there's always something.
There's nothing like unconditional love, stop fooling yourself. More often than not, Love ceases to be when you no longer have the very thing your partner loved you for. So why did I stop dating? What would push a man to such extremes? WTF happened? Skiza story 😂😂...
I used to be a very serious guy with love, until I wasn't. I used to date a certain girl. Huyu dem nilikua namjua for a while, for us it was well beyond sex, we knew each other so much, it was that deep, kidogo ata ajuane na mamangu😂, glad it never happened, ningeambia nini watu
For the first like 2 yrs, everything was good, my sense of adventure was well below that of an average cabron. Ni kama ata sikua naona madem wengine, up to date I'm confused what exactly was going on😂.Ilikua tu ni sleepover weekend, Monday shule, nothing else, a boy was in love.
We're a curious species, we naturally feel the need to upgrade😂,it's the sole reason why men cheat. For us it's not an emotional affair, a man just craves a new pair of tits or differently shaped butt cheeks😂, nothing more. So me like every other cabron ilibidi nicheze ka mimi.
Nilikua na mboga zangu mbili za kando, managu yangu ikinichosha, nasample terere ama kunde. They didn't know each other, but I had made it clear to them that I had a girlfriend, one that I loved so much, wao ilikua tu ni wa sekete reasons,wao pia walikua wanadai tu sekete😂.
So we had agreed that by no means could they sabotage my relationship, at first they obliged, lakini wasichana ni nani😂. One of them, I still don't know which one, told my gf that we had been fucking. My gf never asked me, that's what makes this gender so dangerous 😂😂.
Dem alianza na yeye kutafuta kwingine bado tukiwa na yeye. Kama vile unatafutanga bedsitter ingine bado ukiwa kwa your current one, ndio ukipata ingine unahama😂,na mapenzi ya siku hizi ni kama bedsitter, unahama bila notice, landlord anakuja anapata nyumba iko empty, 😂😂
All this time sikua najua dem anajua nakula nje, so I thought we was good. Mpaka ikafika time nikaona haina haja kula nje tena, I honestly love her. All over sudden she started receiving weird calls, simu haezi shika tukiwa na yeye! I had my doubts, but still I didn't do shit..
2 months later, hio shit ilikua imeelevate to such a point dem alikua on calls for hours, nikumuuliza ananishow ni cuzo yake😂, wueh. Ikafika time nikaamua kua DCI😂. Day moja nikamuomba phone yake, I had never gone through her phone before, so she had no worries, akanipea..
Cabrons, usiwahi go through your gf's phone kama unataka amani😂. What I found there😭,wueh. Nilipata paragraphs, refu kushinda hizi threads zangu😭.Emotional stuff, mapenzi yamenoga online, ilikua inabloom, at that talking stage, wakitumiana mapicha, couldn't believe my eyes 😭.
Problem with ghels, unlike us they don't cheat for sex. Dem hucheat mostly for emotional reasons, they invest a lot of feelings. Mwanaume anacheat na dickhead buana, si maroho.
I have to say, it was really disturbing for me, she was in a whole new relationship, like tf..
I know it's unfair, but the thought of her kupea ninja ingine was killing me, yet I did the same😂. Akapeane na hizo stingo nilimfunza? Aekee ninja ELEVATED STARFISH 😭, ama CROUCHING DRAGON😭, haigwesekani😭. It hurt more to know that she was emotionally attached to this nigga..
I cheated, but it was never emotional, but I guess cheating is cheating. Nikaamua nitaconfirm hio maneno. Kwa chat yao niliona they had been meeting at a certain place, but they used a code name, I couldn't crack it, but I came up with a plan,I had to get to the bottom of it😂.
My gf trusted only one nduthi guy, alikua anampeleka kila place. Huyo jamaa alikua anajua huyo ni dem wangu, I approached him. Jamaa akanishow kuna place anampelekanga anachukuliwa na jamaa fulani, that had to be the place, nikamshow akikuambia umpeleke hapo, nitumie text.
2 days later tukiwa FIFA na maboyz,text ikaingia,it was time,nikachukua nduthi nimkamfuata nyuma keeping distance.Mbogi yangu ni ya mafala,wakaamua kunifuata pia,tulikua tunafuatana na manduthi ungethani ni ile crew ya CHEATERS pale CBS Reality😂,ati huyo ninja anaeza kua bazenga
Kufika tulisimama nyuma kidogo. Dem akashuka nduthi, huyo ninja akampea forehead kiss, ya wapenzi😭. It was time to jump in. Nikafika nikauliza dem rada gani, madem nao lazima watengeneze scene😂, wacha aanze kunipasha. She told me she knew I cheated, I had no idea she knew😨..
Sasa situation ikakua elevated, people started coming close, I wasn't ready for that, nikajitoa. Dem alikua bado na joto so akanifuata, hako kaninja mbogi yangu ikakatishia maisha kakatuliza nyege😂.Kufika bedsitter dem anataka kunipga na ndoo zangu buana😂,she said she was tired
At that moment I didn't give a shit either, together we pulled the plug, it was done,Cabron was back to celibacy. Hio mwezi nilihoe like nansenz😂,kuna siku moja nilipiga mechi tatu with 3 different opponents, live form nilikua 98😂.I was enjoying myself, zero responsibilities😂
A month and a half later, nikapigiwa simu na beshte ya ex, akanishow ati amemshow ni mgonjwa niende nikamuone😞.I didn't wanna see her, but I cared for her, I wouldn't have wanted anything to happen to her,nikasukumia huyo beshte yake 300 nilikua nayo nikamshow ampelekee matunda.
Beshte yake kwenda akarudishwa, she only wanted to see me. Nikasema haidhuru, nikaenda. Kufika dem alikua sawa, she wasn't sick,but emotionally she was torn apart.she wanted to us to work things out, I loved her, so I fell into it, tukarudiana, mapenzi yakaanza kunoga tena😂.
Trust once lost is the hardest thing to recover, we were back together but didn't trust each other. Day fulani nikarealize bado huyo nigga alikua anamtext, nikachizi. Nikaaamua fuck it, I went back to my cabron ways, mi nilikua nakulana kama upuzi😂. Finally nikashikwa 😂..
Singejitetea, but ata sikua nataka kujitetea. So for the second time I pulled the plug, but this time it was forever. The person I thought would be the love of my life became a stranger to me. Since then, Relationships became a foreign thing to me, I have to say, I feel free😂.
Lakini utamu wa mapenzi ni kuchiti, side chick anakuanga the best, hasumbui kama main😂. Anyway in short what I'm trying to say is, there's nothing like a perfect relationship, you just need to weigh in on yours and determine whether it's worth it.
Niggas will always crave a new pair of tits or differently shaped butt cheeks, ghels will always want more, whether it's emotionally or material things. Unless you are ready for that, concentrate on yourself buana, mapenzi ni ngumu😂...cross that bridge when you get to it..
Usisumbuliwe na mapenzi juu ya peer pressure na bado unatafuta pesa,utapata mpenzi ukipata pesa😂.Few relationships work out though, but not without a fair share of struggles too.Cabrons and Queens,twendeni hustle, achana na peer pressure 😂

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