ankia is like... neither of them r good ppl. andersen is a tsun but he's not a GOOD person per say. he might not want kiara to become a demon god, for example, but he isn't going to hinder her. kiara's a tragic monster in andersen's eyes; andersen's the writer whose stories (1/?)
preserved some of her childhood when she was a young, chronically ill girl separated from the world by a hypersexual cult. at no point does he refuse her desire to absorb the moon cell despite her becoming a threat to humanity bc, as he aptly puts it... (2/?)
"i wanted you to reach a happy ending." he wanted her, at some point, to realize what she was doing was wrong and live a relatively good life connected to other ppl, learning to love -- either that, or to bring about the paradise she wished as a true monster. (3/?)
im not saying ankia is well-written like, theres like, one or two shitty sh*ta jokes in ccc, but the fundamental core of their dynamic is that andersen cannot love humans, only monsters, & kiara is a monster born out of neglect, abuse, and self-righteousness (4/?)
when she could've been different. fgo proves she COULD HAVE been a normal woman living a relatively normal life, but that was all robbed from her and thus transformed her into this hedonistic beast who could only see ppl as insects. & thats why he loves her. basically: (5/?)
i think ppl see andersen being REALLY venomous towards her and her being venomous back as proof that they hate each others guts but. theyre just emotionally constipated according to the writing (andersen esp, cuz he's not used to being Outright Kind) (6/?)
and i think ppl forget this is just. how he speaks to everyone. (7/?)
IT'S STILL QUESTIONABLE WRITING IT'S STILL WEIRDLY GENDER-ESSENTIALIST BUT. andersen/kiara has some depth & chemistry to them that's more than "he's mean and she's mean and theyre only making them kiss cuz they Have To" (8/9)
like w/ all things fate, the good parts are good, the bad parts are bad, and i dont blame ppl for being turned off from the ship cuz of the bad parts. but i just wanted to clear up that he doesnt hate her, he loves her in his own stupid way (9/9)
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