What's the politics version of "no ethical consumption under capitalism" bc I'm so tired
Realistically it's still "no ethical consumption under capitalism" bc politics and capitalism are intrinsically linked and that's why the lobby industry is so strong and why you have to be wealthy to run for office or be backed by wealth.

But practically ppl need a new phrase
Bc I just don't know what you expect us to do. People talk so much about the choices you have to make under capitalism and figure out where your line is bc that's the society we live in and there's no escaping it but somehow politics we should just...not support or praise anyone?
Absolutely we MUST hold people accountable and criticize and contextualize their actions, past and present, but unless or until there's a full on revolution we are in this system. There's no point in denying that.

So yeah, no ethical consumption under capitalism.
There is no moral absolution in not voting is a good one too (a good thread) https://twitter.com/ProfessorCrunk/status/1295724853685870594?s=20
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