☁️ describing cancer rising through the houses ☁️ (a thread)
♋︎ 1H: Cancer Risings look at the world carefully, being sure to stay in their safe space as they approach the unknown. They often don't go out of their way to be spontaneous, and would prefer to stick to what they know about themselves.
♌︎ 2H: To Cancer Risings, the best form of security is self-confidence and self-awareness. They hold a lot of value to their belongings, for their belongings say a lot about them. They see their money management as a reflection of themselves for better or worse.
♍︎ 3H: Cancer Risings often found their local environment and culture to be critical and nit-picky. They may have grown up in a school environment that kept them on their toes - and rather than being comfortable, they were pressured to be efficient instead.
♎︎ 4H: Cancer Risings lived in a family environment where they were encouraged to be the peacemaker. They learned how to compromise for others and to anticipate other people's reactions. However, they were also thought to be passive, and to not cause trouble.
♏︎ 5H: Cancer Risings are more likely to be private about their hobbies, their hobbies a source of empowerment, but also vulnerability. Their hobbies eventually become niche due to lots of research, and this can make them hard to approach when it comes to starting casual dates.
♐︎ 6H: Cancer Risings prefer to have a flexible work schedule over a structured one. They seek for freedom in their everyday life to enjoy themselves. They can struggle to follow the rules and can be reckless in work, but are often open-minded on how other people function.
♑︎ 7H: Cancer Risings tend to go for relationships where they their efforts wouldn't be wasted. They tend to look for partners that are responsible and self-sufficient. However, they dislike partners who can't tell the difference between being realistic and fearful.
♒︎ 8H: Cancer Risings try their hardest to distance themselves from obligations, debt, and power struggles. If anything, they may try to appear aloof and detached to prevent themselves from looking vulnerable. They're more likely to stay stubborn instead of being malleable.
♓︎ 9H: Cancer Risings understand that no worldly perspective, religion, or belief will fully encapsulate the mystery of the world. Due to this, they value beliefs that don't claim to hold complete knowledge of the world. They aim to radically understand the world beyond logic.
♈︎ 10H: Cancer Risings aspire to be straightforward and assertive so that they get what they want. They go for careers where they're able to be independent or are in a position of authority. They chase their own dreams, not listening to what people think is best for them.
♉︎ 11H: When it comes to their friend group, Cancer Risings are often calm, grounded, and reliable. They are the type to keep their friends for a long time, but they also may struggle to make new friends. Either way, they like to keep their friend circle consistent.
♊︎ 12H: Cancer Risings sometimes can struggle to remember the part of them that wants spontaneity. They are privately playful and talkative. They're unknowingly picky with the people they speak to, not only because of discomfort, but because they can also be easily bored too.
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