Anyway, let’s start with the name.

So first, I learned that the word “arcadia” means “a region or scene of quiet and simple pleasure.” At first, I thought that maybe it had smth to do with how he’s found a home in Devildom after the war but then, I thought+
+maybe it had something else to do with Lucifer’s lore in general? I’m no religious person but I do have the gist of Adam and Eve’s story. To cut things short, Adam and Eve were the first two humans that God had sent down to Earth and have been driven out of the Garden of Eden+
+due to their temptations in eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge(?) or what we also know as the apple. This apple is the fruit of good and evil, and based on Lucifer’s art, he is seen as holding the apple; the fruit of good and evil.
I think that this is a remarkable reference (hopefully) that symbolizes Lucifer’s fall from the Celestial realm, what once was good now turned evil, and the game reflects him as such. In Adam and Eve’s story, it is said that a serpent tempts Eve to eat the fruit+
+by telling her that it won’t cause her any harm, to which i guess is true until God found out about it and casted both her and Adam out of the garden. I think the symbolism in this game is that in a way, Lucifer is tempting us to pick him out of all the brothers that he has+
+esp if we go back to // spoilers
When he asked MC if they’ve missed HIM and not his brothers. The song may have some kind of reference from the original story of Adam and Eve but in this case, it’s Lucifer telling YOU that you should give in to his temptations+
+and becoming >>his<< Arcadia, his scene of simple pleasure and quiet.
ANYWAY this is sort of messy since i did this out in a whim but if you have ideas as to what the song would be about, please dont be shy to share them 😭 i really like to overthink about these types of things esp if theres symbolism thrown at us like this

I also think that the fruit of good and evil symbolizes him well because he’s a demon, to which we know as “evil” and yet in the game, he’s still seen as a good person. He cares deeply for his brothers and MC in his own ways and i just think that+
+nice touch to all of this 😭 man maybe im thinking too much about it and it probably doesn’t mean a lot but HHHHHHH IDK IDK IM SO HYPED IM TOO HYPED?!!?!
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