In Case You Missed It @JohnKasich

President @realdonaldTrump has:

▶️ Appointed and the Senate has confirmed over 200 conservative judges.

▶️ 2 Supreme Court Justices.

▶️ Cut Taxes.

▶️Provided massive deregulation.

▶️Brought the US to energy independence.
▶️Rebuilt our military.

▶️ Withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal.

▶️ Replaced NAFTA with USMCA.

▶️ Placed travel ban on China at the start of COVID-19 pandemic.

▶️ Recognized Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

▶️ Destroyed the ISIS Caliphate.
▶️ Negotiated peace agreement between UAE and Israel.

▶️ Stood up to China.

▶️ Stopped caravans from Central America.

▶️ Gotten Mexico to cooperate on illegal immigration unlike any other time in history.
I’m sure I’ve left out many other things….but not a bad first term.

Unlike John Kasich I believe we are on the right path with President Trump. The Biden-Harris path leads to socialism at home and weakness abroad.

Apparently, John Kasich doesn't understand that.
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