I am pro-vaccine. But not all vaccines are created equal.

This thread outlines why there is no clear evidence that covid vaccinations will make you resistant to Covid-19.

I also review laws intended to ENFORCE vaccination and removal of family members.

Citations provided.
First, vaccine safety.

FDA closely regulates all therapeutics (vaccines, medications, medical devices) to ensure they are safe & don’t create unreasonable health risks. The FDA has NEVER waived its approval process.

So why is an exception is being made for the covid vaccines?
Covid “vaccines” have been fast-tracked. This is a huge departure from FDA regulations.

The logic is that fast-tracking covid vaccines makes them available sooner and it assumes antibody creation will protect you against Covid.

But research doesn't show this.
Covid vaccines are considered “effective” because they create antibodies to Covid-19. They assume this translates to protection against the virus.

Unfortunately, current research indicates covid antibodies don’t provide reliable protection in the first place.
One of my major concerns is HOW covid vaccines “work” by altering RNA/DNA expression.

These techniques are “safe” IN LAB ANIMALS.

In people, a huge variety of health and ethical issues have been raised about gene therapy. Check out this Nature review: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-018-07641-1
To respect everyone’s attention spans, I’ll provide a link to a balanced explanation of how the top 5 covid vaccines “work”: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2768155

Some people writing about this topic also run vaccine trials. Check conflict of interest disclosures at the ends of articles.
Covid vaccines are forms of gene therapy because they alter genes to prevent disease. "Altering genes" may mean inserting new genetic material, inactivating genes, or changing how genes work.

FYI, gene therapy & genetic engineering use the same methods, to different ends.
What are risks of gene therapy?

Robert Sapolsky explains how gene therapy in animals can change behavior, thinking, and importance of rewards: https://personal.utdallas.edu/~tres/plasticity2009/Sapolsky.pdf

If you accept safety data from animal research, then you surely accept this data as relevant to you, too!
If you know exactly what genes are being modified by a vaccine, then gene therapy may make sense.

But a single gene does MANY things.

Genetic alteration of your immune response could affect your mood, pain, energy levels, menstruation, reproduction, and much much more….
No peer-reviewed scientific literature is available to the public to evaluate the quality of science or the current scope of gene manipulation.

Patents filed by companies may provide some insight, but they don't necessarily reflect where the companies are doing now.
I encourage you to look into these issues so you can make an informed decision about whether YOU want to try a covid vaccine.

It is your choice. Unless you consider recent Covid legislation...then it may not be your choice.
The US has plans to impose covid testing (of dubious diagnostic value) as part of the contact tracing program described in House Resolution 6666 (TRACE Act).

They are training “Contact Investigators” (with military experience) to come to your home and test everyone.
Covid tests for everyone! Sounds great, right?

Except the TRACE Act gives Contact Investigators authority to forcibly remove and isolate people they identify as sick. They don't have to give you evidence that you or a family member tested positive.
Think about what that means: government-enforced isolation.

If you test positive, you can be ordered to leave your home. You won’t be put up in a hotel. You’ll go to a government-run facility for as long as THEY want.

Because you're still at risk for re-infection, remember?
After all, the World Health Organization has stated that long-term immunity to covid has not been demonstrated.

You lose your freedom under the guise of being a “health risk.”

If you get a clean bill of health, you are given an immunity passport: http://www.who.int/news-room/commentaries/detail/immunity-passports-in-the-context-of-covid-19
Side note: In March, Microsoft--a ID2020 partner--submitted a patient for use of a sensor system linking body activity to crypocurrency: https://patentscope.wipo.int/search/en/detail.jsf?docId=WO2020060606

Yeah, that rumor was actually real.

Your immunity passport could be influenced by how well you behave.
From Microsoft patent: "The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified."
The purpose of this thread wasn't to depress you. It is intended to make you think about the downstream consequences of a seemingly practice choice like "get the covid vaccine."

So wear a mask, practice social distancing, and question your government.
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