I’m seeing terrible hot takes about the word #Latinx. there are:

-Black Latinas saying that “Latinx” (but not Latina/o? 🤔) erases Blackness.
-white + non-Black Latinos complaining about destroying spanish.
-and ahistorical folks saying Latinx is too academic.

YES, of course Latina/o/x erases Blackness. the *literal entire project of Latinidad* is meant to flatten and erase Blackness. but be consistent. if you’re going to call yourself Afro-Latina/o, let trans, nonbinary, queer folks have langauge to describe our/their experiences.
we don’t care about “ruining” spanish with the x. I have no allegiance to spanish. it is the language of our colonizers and was forced on my ancestors through violent force. if we want to create more expansive language, GREAT.
the word #Latinx was a term created by activists across Latin America—particularly Puerto Rico, to be gender inclusive. what y’all are not going going to do is erase the work, scholarship and activism of LGBTQ Boricuas.
Lastly, just because Pew (an organization that happily uses the term hispanic) says that some people don’t know the word #Latinx does not mean it doesn’t have value for those who do use it. the fact that y’all are listening to Pew instead of LGBTQ Latinxs shows me who you are.
I truly wish y’all would do the readings or just say you don’t care about your Black Latinx trans, queer and non-binary siblings and go.

*waves y’all away*
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