Reformed theology (includes Calvinism) and Charismaticism are theologically opposites within Protestantism but whose churches attract authoritarian personalities and reinforce illiberal thinking to a similar degree
The Reformed are more bookish and in doing so are capable of seeing that God primarily deals with nations over families and families over individuals. The conjunction of the beliefs that God sovereignly elects nations, that He operated via covenants, and that all things...
Come about via is will has naturally led historic Reformed men to believe that all nations have been chosen for some world-historical purpose, with Christian nations having a redemptive mission akin to the covenant with the Nation of Israel. If the Afrikaners are a Christian...
People, then their mission is to be a holy people, a Light Unto the "Gentiles", pure, undefiled, and separate. Violations of the ethnocultural, biological, or linguistic integrity of the nation in covenant with God is an affront to God, His Kingdom, and His Gospel.
The idea of common grace and Providence also leads to an idea of non-interventionism when the interests of the Christian people are not vitally involved for God has established the boundaries of the nations.
Charismatics, on the other hand, are emotionalists and focus on things such as prophesying, signs and wonders, and spiritual warfare. Prophesying permits a charimastic to say "these feelings of patriotism bring joy and I prayed about it and this feeling is from Spirit of Truth"
Signs and wonders are associated with God's blessings, the inverse with its wrath. America's past glories are signs of blessing, today's tragedies are a sign of wrath. Therefore, there is divine sanction for what once was and can be again.
The belief in spiritual warfare channels intense political energies. Those who are for abortion, lawlessness, homosexuality, etc. are seen as being under the command of literal demons. The opponents of the demonically possessed are guarded by angels.
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