So Vaush is going on this rant about "shared vulnerability" and it's worth while to point out he fetishizes strength. These communities are "bad" because they are formed around shared oppression essentially, and not STRENGTH. These are not unrelated facts to his general point.
The reason he has SUCH a problem with these so called "woke****s" who are interestingly always LGBT+ is because he wants to build a left around "shared strength" to demonstrate the inherent aggressive masculinity of leftness. He doesn't want to be mistaken for a weak feminine
person for being an economic leftist. THE LGBT+ community, the black community, even disability activism, is based around organizing around shared vulnerability. Vulnerability to institutionalized social violence. Vaush has contempt for this. He wants to BE strong. He wants to
LOOK strong. He must project strength and never weakness. Do you see how this is antagonistic to the very groups he purports to be "protecting"? It's a manifestation of toxic masculinity. He shits on trans girls for the same reason a rightist does, to demonstrate his strength.
To reify his power. There is no room in his coalition for weak or vulnerable ppl. This is why he antagonizes the mentally ill. He ignores or justifies his own positions in those groups though, would cause too much cognitive dissonance. HE is the rational MI/ND person.
HE is the rational LGBT+ person. It's these other ppl, these woke****s, that are weak and vulnerable. Their vulnerability makes them fragile and untrustworthy. It's anti-effeminacy masquerading as praxis.
To add on one final thing: This means Vaush's left, one that is strength focused and predicated(unlike one on 'shared mental illness/vulnerability') has no room for black ppl, for LGBT+ ppl, ect. His calls for a broad tent, is one that is broadly hostile to the marginalized.
So hey, if you enjoyed reading me distilling Vaush's bullshit into something far more coherent, you can leave a tip on my ko-fi! 
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