You've not read the Quran in days, weeks or perhaps even months. Allah gives you the tawfeeq to read today and you read for 2 minutes. You promise yourself to read for 2 mins everyday and slowly increase in time. The 2 mins you read today was the best you felt in a long long time
and you decide you want to read for a bit longer, your heart is beating fast. You can feel the Quran within you, you can feel the effect the Quran is already having on you. You're loving it, youre enjoying every second and you wish you could just sit with the Quran forever.
You're broken, you're mentally exhausted and shattered, the Quran is mending your heart once again, you've realised that the Quran is a cure and mercy for your soul as Allah says:
وَنُنَزِّلُ مِنَ ٱلْقُرْءَانِ مَا هُوَ شِفَآءٌ وَرَحْمَةٌ لِّلْمُؤْمِنِينَۙ
"We reveal the Quran which is cure and mercy for the believers"

You close the Quran and proceed to go to sleep but you're restless, you miss the Quran.
You've just had the best time of your life conversing with your Rabb.
You go back and read a little bit more. You're ecstatic, you cannot describe how you feel.
May Allah make us all from the Ahlul Quran and may we be given the tawfeeq to fall in love with the Quran just like Nabi SAW did. May the Quran be for us and not against us. Ameen
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