blatant anti-wellness anti-recovery anti-help rhetoric that so many mentally ill people have adopted and still hold can be super hard and triggering for people in recovery but nobody wants to talk about that 😍
like i spent years convinced i am worth nothing outside of my mental illness and nothing will help me and whenever i realized that's not true and it's possible i'm bombarded with "cant believe anyone would suggest (coping mechanism) that won't work some of us are DEPRESSED"
like obviously not every practice or habit will help everyone but perpetuating this idea that THIS won't work i'm DEPRESSED. am i not? am i faking my depression? am i faking my recovery? is recovery truly possible for my depression? are my experiences with recovery even real?
it's like i've been shot right back into the mindset of "i'll never recover, i'll always be mentally ill" since it's been made clear time and time again there's a stigmatization if anyone who turns to specific methods for recovery that delegitimizes our struggles
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