Anyone who is #nevertrump but is hesitant to vote for Joe Biden needs to watch this and they need to think about the following things.
Most importantly, what is your 1st priority? What is the most important thing to you?

When it comes to being a citizen of this country, I would imagine most of you are #NeverTrump because, for you, that is the #Constitution.
If that is true, then you need to make a list of all the things that Donald Trump has done to attack the rule of law, Constitutional norms, the pillars of our country in terms of the courts and the intelligence community and law enforcement officials, etc.
This is not hyperbole - Trump is literally the most destructive president we have ever had in terms of attacking the Constitution, the rule of law, and the checks and balances that the Founding Fathers, etc., put in place to protect against authoritarianism and transactionalism.
But there is a further step. Why do you need to vote for Joe Biden?

You know the Donald Trump is going to fight the election results as hard as he can.
The only way to overcome that and minimize the damage as much as possible, because there will be damage, is for that Popular Vote number to be as high as possible against him. It can't just be a squeak by Electoral Vote win either.
And so I point you back to this dedicated public servant's statements about Trump and his reasons for voting for Joe Biden for President.
You can follow @DorMouseSez.
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