Women of Twitter, what’s that money you were advised to save/keep just in case you need to escape a man? My Trinidadian mom called it “vex money.” Some here in the US call it “mad money” or “fuck you money.” What do your people call it?

In any language!
I asked if your culture had the concept of vex or escape money because of this AITA thread where a man was trying to tell his wife it wasn’t normal or ethical. And I know for a fact the practice is so common that people have specific language for it.

https://twitter.com/aita_reddit/status/1295349777153101827?s=21 https://twitter.com/aita_reddit/status/1295349777153101827
I’ve often said that I learn the most about patriarchal abuse and structures of disadvantage against women from “men are trash” tweets and hashtags. See these replies. There’s a reason women around the world know the concept of vex money: A universal experience of trash dudes.
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