Headline: "Yeah. It's good news. Like really, really good news. Haven't seen positivity this low since the start of this" (*)

*three day average

8/16: 2.18% (!!!!!!!)
8/15: 2.53%
8/9: 3.14%

Yes, there can be a host of reasons for this. More asymptomatic people getting tests (schools reopening)...

BUT... I will absolutely take this.

We haven't seen a three-day this low since the start of this in March

Remember, 5% is a ceiling you don't want to bust through
Something is taking place here, folks.

And you can add your theory as to why.

But one month ago, things were not looking good.

As schools reopen, this is where you would want to be. (NOT saying it'll stay this way)
Let's take a quick look at death data... (*If you follow me, you know, I really don't like using this metric too much because death data can really lag... )

According to @CDPHE, there hasn't been a reported death in Colorado since Friday (august 14)

(This shows date of death)
I am NOT saying this will hold.

What I am saying is this:

Yes, there is legitimate concern over what will happen now that colleges and some schools are reopening.


I'd rather start here than where we were a month ago...
Closing thought...

Based on this, it's going to be hard for @GovofCO to release mask mandate anytime soon. This news will be seen as proof it's working. And, it's low cost and low effort.

Get used to it, folks.
(One more closing thought... sorry)

Avs up 3-0 after one.

Yeah. Nothing to do with COVID, but I just wanted to end on more good news.
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