So, @unc instructors, if you haven’t had a student brave or calm enough to tell you, me and others are getting emails describing panicked chaos as en masse packing and parent calling and hurried decision making happens. Find a way to let them off the hook today & tmrw at least.
Some excerpts from student contact:
“Campus is crazy”
“It’s very hectic right now”
“Feeling overwhelmed”
“We’re on edge”
“Worried about getting behind”
“Trying to get our lives together”
“Don’t know if I’ll have time to search databases while packing”
Maybe you can’t “cancel class” but use ingenuity. Most of all, acknowledge how hard this is.

Picture when you moved away to college, then multiply it x pandemic. They’re feeling so gaslit and overwhelmed right now. They need authority figures to validate their emotions and hurt
You can follow @jillian_kern.
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