The LCBO generates a dividend of about $2 billion per year. That reduces your provincial tax bill by almost 2%.

When you hear “privatize the LCBO,” you’re also hearing “raise my taxes 2% so I can buy liquor at the corner store.”

Cannabis also would have lowered taxes.

If the average Ontario household makes $80,000/year, that means they get an average liability of $1,600/year to have liquor stores privately owned.

I don't know about you, but $1,600/year buys me a heck of a lot of taxis to the liquor store.
The OCS was projected to make $1 billion per year before Dougie, in a few years. Let's say 30% of that was rolled back into taxpayer dividends.

You're telling me you'd rather pay an extra $160/year so private companies can sell you the same product? You're a f*cking idiot.
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