So polling/tournaments has become prominent in the #Anipoke community lately, and I’ve noticed a few things on mine and others polls. Disclaimer: if you get triggered easily, don’t read this.
I am currently running a tournament for Ash Ketchum’s most popular Pokémon, and its been pretty good. A few here and there comments about “__ should’ve won,” but again, that’s fine if you want to air out your complaints. Then the quarterfinals of the tournament came.
Infernape was matched up against Greninja, and I knew hat this was going to be contreversial. So, I lengthened the poll time to 4 HOURS, and encouraged people to RT the poll saying “this is the most important match of the tournament.” Long story short, Greninja won.
People were making some comments like “fanfiction frog” and “who voted for him.” I understand your frustration, but I don’t think hating on a Pokémon directly/subtweeting my tweet will solve anything.
I’m going to keep this next one vague. Disclaimer: I won’t mention the person who ran this poll, but if you know them, please don’t blame them. They ran an unbias poll, so don’t blame em. It wasn’t their fault in the slightest.
Again, the majority of the poll was fine. Some upsets and people were upset, but nothing major. Then an element of XY(Z) lost, and people went crazy with joy. People were referring to XY(Z) as “the evil” and some other comments about how XY(Z) was “bad.”
In essence, there was a lot of toxicity. I think you see where I’m going with this. You get the point I’m trying to make, I’ll end it here.
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