Darker-skinned Black men were most likely to experience hiring discrimination in this study by Harrison and Thomas:

Harrison, M., & Thomas, K. (2009). ‘The new’ism’in America’s workforce: the role of colorism on blacks in corporate America’’.
RE: White male colorism:

In this experimental study, white persons acting as managers of a firm recommended hiring light-skinned more than dark-skinned black job applicants, despite identical credentials. This effect came entirely from White men.
RE: "Colorism goes both ways"

It does not.

"Although exclusion from some community organizations may be uncomfortable psychologically or emotionally for light-skinned people of color, it rarely has significant material effects"
RE: Colorism is Carceral: "Black defendants in capital cases with a white victim are twice as likely to receive the death penalty if they have dark skin and more Afrocentric facial features than if they do not" (Eberhardt et al. 2006).
Colorism interacts with economic mobility and criminal offending:

Gyimah-Brempong, K., & Price, G. N. (2006). Crime and punishment: And skin hue too?. American Economic Review, 96(2), 246-250.
RE: Preferences:
Generally, BM & BW tend to prefer BW w. lighter tones than their own, but BM to a greater degree. BM & BW both tend to rate the lightest & the darkest Black individuals as unattractive, & "brown skin or “somewhere in between” is most desired by most BM & BW.
Colorism constrains income/hourly wages & educational mobility most for darker-skinned men and darker-skinned women
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