Hey team Resistance. We can already see what Cheeto McMuffin is up to. The same playbook from 2016. Stoke inter-party bickering between the Bernie crowd and moderate dems. We have got to embrace EVERYONE who would stand against the monstrosity that is a DJT second term. We
Cannot get caught up in the semantics of what “progressive” means to each of us. I’ve found it possible to love Joe, Kamala, Bernie, Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and the Obamas. Why? Because they all have the people’s’ best interest in mind. We can’t tear down our country
Over the specifics of ideology. So, when you see someone who is struggling because of the chasm trump and his cronies would open between us, reach out. Understand and listen. Accept differing ideas and come together on the singular objective that is rescuing America from fascism.
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