Surprised there's been no push back on this.

Leaving children at home for another term has enormous neg. consequences that quite possibly outweigh the benefits.

In any mass gathering, there is a chance the virus will spread.

However, much of the public sector remains open with a rotation system in place so its clear the govt is willing to take risks once safety protocols are established.
The education of our children is just as essential as public services.

The only possible reason to keep the public sector open but keep schools closed is if in-person schooling poses an elevated risk to the population.
Data is still evolving on transmission rates in children so perhaps its best to study countries that have already opened schools.

22 EU. countries re-opened with little issue. Sweden kept primary/daycare schools open throughout the pandemic.
Looking at these countries, its clear there can be a safe reopening of schools (at least at the daycare/primary level) once effective safety protocols are established.
Havent seen many studies specific to Trinidad (which is always the case).

But pre-covid, Trinidad has the third highest suicide rate in Caribbean (acc. to W.H.O)& Approx 15000 cases of child abuse from 2015 to 2018 which is a "gross underestimation" acc. to Deyalsingh.
The longer schools remain closed, the more significant these issues become.

Unfortunately, its poor, underprivileged children that will suffer the most.
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