I see people are mocking the statues of Kompany and Silva. Maybe they should all look a bit closer to home?

[THREAD by popular demand]
Bill Shankly - 3 League Titles, 2 FA Cups, 1 UEFA Cup.

Thierry Henry - 2 League Titles, 2 FA Cups.

Dixie Dean - 2 League Titles, 1 FA Cup.

Statue(Apologies normal fans of the EV, but I saw one of your fans mocking).
Tony Adams - 4 League Titles, 3 FA Cups, 2 League Cups, 1 ECWC.

Statue. Comparable I'd say
Billy Bremner - 2 League Titles, 1 FA Cup, 1 League Cup, 2 Inter-cities Fair Cups.

Bobby Robson - Won the square root of fuck all for Newcastle.


Hated doing this one. Legend
Alan Shearer - Literally fuck all.

Wait...Chelsea named a stand after a fucking director?! A stand he paid for himself? The Peter Swales Stand. Imagine...

No Statue.
Jack Walker - Glorified local sugar daddy. We have a banner in the East Stand saying thanks to Sheikh Mansour and everybody goes apeshit.

Statue AND a Stand.
Elton John - He's a fucking singer and has a stand named after him.

No Statue but I'm still STANDing.
"The Holy Trinity" - 11 trophies between them. One's a ticket tout, one relegated them and the other was a waste of a fucking life.

Statue x 3.
Kenny Dalglish - Serial trophy winner. Bad racist.

No Statue but has a Stand.
Steven Gerrard - No league titles.

No Statue. Had to settle for a waxwork model instead. Hope it melts
Peter Osgood - 1 FA Cup, 1 ECWC.

Dave Whelan - Broke his leg in a cup final for another club. Built a brand. Now gone tits up.


Fuck Wigan.
Simone Perotta - Lived there for 5 years and then fled the shithole.

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