1/ In Utah, Hispanic + nonwhite workers accounted for 73% of the #covid19 outbreak-associated cases but only represent 24% of workers across sectors.

Their burden was 3x that of their White counterparts.

Keep in mind that we re-opened knowing these workers were not protected.
2/ These data were collected from March 6th to June 5th. This was when we were yelling "Stay Home" when the people most hard-hit were never granted that luxury.

I'm sure they would have loved to do so if they could afford to do so/were given that option https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/69/wr/mm6933e3.htm?s_cid=mm6933e3_w
3/ Of the state's 11,448 confirmed #covid19 cases during that time period, 12% were associated with workplace outbreaks.

Of 15 industry sectors, manufacturing (20%), construction (15%), wholesale trade (14%) were the most common sites of outbreaks.
4/ Of 1335 workers that were infected, 59% cases among those who identified as Hispanic; 27% as nonHispanic white; 19% as "nonwhite" (how they labeled this here).

Hispanic+nonwhite represent <24% of the workforce in these sectors, but were 73% of cases.
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