A LOT of y’all don’t understand sexual harassment/sexual assault and A LOT of others don’t call out your friends enough for that shit
Understand you can’t just kiss someone. You can’t just grab their dick and play with it. Can’t just grab their ass. Someone sleeping is NOT fair game, a hard dick is NOT consent. And this is just the basics for the gays (shit, some women with men too)
Men CAN and DO get sexually harassed/assaulted plenty and y’all REALLY pay it dust or gaslight or shame them OT try to justify the thing. It’s disgusting.
After the first time I was raped, it took me years to learn to say no. I engaged in sexual activity w men I didn’t want to because I was afraid of having that choice taken from me. The man who did it to me TO THIS DAY still doesn’t recognize it as rape or what he did to my psyche
Y’all out here fucking people up emotionally. Recognize that shit. Call it out when you see it. Stop giving people passes because of their looks/power/connections.
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