Almost everything in this interview makes me furious. The level of privilege & the lack of concern about the young woman he threw under the bus. Disgusting to think this guy will be working in international aid. We need moral folks with more awareness in that sector, not him.
Don't get me wrong, I'm all for restorative justice but that lazy ass text at the end signals he is only willing to take reparative action because he has been found. He is clearly a resourced and intelligent guy and could find the family to make amends if he wanted.
I'm sorry but it really pushes the limits of my compassion to extend it to a dude that can realistically think about paying his way out of this or plan to move back to the family farm as plan B. 99% of Māori men who do dumb fucking shit like this do not have those options.
Lastly, we all know the HDCA won't do shit about this and that is one of the reasons cancel culture exists. The laws governing our online lives have failed us. Hate and lies can spread easily with zero consequences and accountability so people take matters into their own hands.
Actual last one now. Gosh I'm so angry.

Not once does he mention the public health impact of his vicious rumour. He undermined confidence in official public health information and that is stupid and dangerous.
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