BREAKING: 71 of Mississippi's 82 counties are now reporting #COVID19 outbreaks in schools.

Confirmed Cases:
Students: 199
Teachers: 245

Quarantined (for 2 weeks):
Students: 2,035
Teachers: 589

And consider this: Dozens of schools just had their first day of class TODAY.
Perspective: When Israeli schools reopened in May, Israel had dropped to 2 new cases per million citizens daily.

Cases skyrocketed, schools locked down & teachers died. Half of new cases stemmed from schools.

MS schools reopened at 400 NEW CASES PER MILLION. (Chart: @wspittman)
P.S.: If you wonder how social distancing is going in schools, see this thread:
Social distancing in Mississippi schools as they reopen is...well, going.
Let's be clear: Dozens of schools opened today, but hundreds of schools already reopened in the first and second weeks of August. The first school district in Mississippi reopened on July 27.
Update: Mississippi high schools are already having to quarantine football teams (quarinteams?).
P.S. There are still public school districts that haven't reopened, and some schools won't open until after Labor Day.

So imagine what these numbers will look like when all 1,063 schools have been open for a few weeks each.
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