I agree with Rupesh, who I respect a lot as an analyst.

Next time around the subs will get equitized. A full repayment as suggested in the failed proposal is dreamland folks.


1/ https://twitter.com/Everest_UK/status/1294285757251715074
Lets get one thing clear: We are currently not involved as my PM poos in his pants. It is also more difficult as I work from the US and on dif sits.

Anyways, the asymmetry of the sit is mind boggling atm. 1Y Front End CDS: c100pts upside (sub recovers 0%), c-5pts downside.

What Rupesh has not mentioned in his note is that there is very little to no cross ownership b/w senior and sub, ie this takes away the dynamic of self bail-out, ie that seniors have an incentive to roll in order to bail-out their own sub position.

Rupesh's argument would get even stronger if one considers the following: I have heard from several sources now that the refi deal has gone that south that banks needed to sniff around hardcore bears in order to get new money/lenders into the deal.

Without success!

This is almost a death sentence for this deal, as it is inherently dependent on new money/new lenders IMHO.

Why? Whilst some existing lenders would probably agree to a refi (albeit coupon is big question mark with suggested NPV cuts super aggressive)...

...the huge majority of them want to cut their exposure drastically. Hence the need for new lenders. Again something I have heard not only from one source.

Everyone that would ever consider Lowell as a long is already in the structure folks!

PS: Neither higher coupon is possible, nor repayment of SUN with anything else. Esp not at close to par lvls.
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