"There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there’s unrest in our lives."
Now, since this isn't being allowed in red cities, the rioters, arsonists, looters, shakedown artists, muggers, gangsters, drug dealers, home invaders, and random crazies must confine themselves to BLUE CITIES.

The very people they need to elect Democrats.
So the Democrats are going into the election WITH NO BASE.

No canvassing, no campaigning, no interviews, no questions, and no base.

There is literally no way ANY Democrats can win.

Until you can tell me how the Democrats will put 3 million+ fraudulent PAPER BALLOTS into the system, I won't talk about it with you.

The US Postal Service can't handle universal mail-in voting, period.

It's too early to know HOW the election will be held.
Trump is harping on mail-in voting AS A DISTRACTION.

He's got something up his sleeve.

Something that will make the Democrats wish they HADN'T demanded mail-in ballots.



So stand by.
Now, what about the Democrats' thought processes?

The reason they've been screwing up absolutely everything since 2018 is that they've got their script, and they're going to stick with it until the party is effectively dead.
They always said that they kept losing because they weren't leftist enough.

@AOC said, "As long as we have the power, why not swing for the fences?"

A baseball term, meaning go all in.

So that's what they're doing.
Since it's not working, they think they need t o INTENSIFY their efforts.

This will continue until the party is politically impotent.

They base everything on polls.


What would happen if you asked the RIGHT question?
"Would you support Medicare for all if it meant that you must give up your private health-care insurance, accept wait times as long as at the DMV, massively high taxes, and substandard medical treatment?"

Guess what the answer would be in THAT case?
Medicare for all means a PERMANENT SHORTAGE OF DOCTORS.

Like in Sweden.

After ObamaCare was implemented, I had to wait three hours to see my cardiologist for three minutes.

My insurance costs QUADRUPLED, and I lost coverage on my best medications.
There was some nutter here last night who's all about "individual liberty."

He wants all police departments abolished, no taxes, and no alliances with any other nation.

These people ALWAYS insist on trying to FORCE THEIR VIEWS ON OTHERS.
He says he doesn't need the government to protect him.

That means he wants to spend his entire life in gunfights with roving bands of heavily armed criminals.

He wants no revenue for the federal, state, and local government, so say goodbye to ROADS.
That means we all have to dig our own WELLS for water, and we have to put in cesspools or septic tanks.

Good luck risking air travel with no regulations.

What he wants is to return us to the Dark Ages to make HIM happy.

People like that say they hate totalitarianism, but they say ANY FORM OF GOVERNMENT is totalitarian.

Are you willing to live in the Dark Ages to make one nutter happy?
I'm not.

And I also don't want to engage people like that.

They ALWAYS go looking for fights.

If they ACTUALLY believed in individual liberty, they wouldn't pollute my timeline with barking interrogations and insults.
The thought processes of ALL IDEOLOGUES are identical:

"I believe in magic, and if you don't submit, I'll smash you in the face."

Trump is not an ideologue. Like me, he's apolitical.

He opposes failure and oppression. That's it.
The current rioting is happening becomes the Democrats are trying to apply a 19th century playbook to the 21st century.

An people are dumber and more vacuous than ever.


Sane people aren't ideologues.

So prepare for #Trump2020Landslide.

Everybody is seeing that Trump was able to fix the economy TWICE.

"It was Obama's economy!"


It was beginning to sputter when Trump took over. The damage was so great that it took years to fix it.
The public-private alliance is the new model.

Obama wasn't even ABLE to have conferences with business leaders because he knows nothing about anything.

He overrode everyone by simply telling them to do as he demanded.
The Democrats are reduced to demanding that Trump be removed from office using the 25th Amendment.


If people are SMART--and that's a LEVIATHAN of an if--they'll let this play out.

We can still screw it up.
We can go out with our gunsies and mow down a bunch of people and make the election close or worse.

I fully expect leftists posing as conservative to do exactly that.

The fake conservatives on my timeline are promoting it.
So if people REMAIN CALM, all will be well.

My city has NO COPS anymore, but we haven't seen the mayhem of other cities.

It's because it turns out that NOBODY IN THIS LEFTIST CITY WANTS IT.

A final note:
In my daily interactions with black people, more and more are suddenly saying out of the blue, "Are we good?"

They're worried that I'm going to attack them, verbally or even physically.

THAT is what the riots have done.
I always say, "Of course! We're fine. Listen, I've lived through much worse. We always come back, because we're all Americans. We're all part of the same family, right?"

And they always say, "Right! Thank you. I needed that."

So stop being afraid, and don't do anything crazy.


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