the common misconceptions of ADHD.

(a thread)

by a psychiatric nurse practitioner with ADHD 👩🏽‍⚕️.
adhd is misunderstood. people
with add or adhd are written off as just being hyper or easily distracted.. I haven’t even really fully understood what it means to have adhd until recently, and I was diagnosed at 29. here is some info to help u learn about it.
social skills

adhd is kind of similar to autism in the way that sometimes it’s difficult for us to check our voice volume and energy level compared to other peoples’. sometimes we’re told to ‘tone it down’ when we can’t read other people well enough.
there’s surprisingly a whole lot of overlap between autism and adhd. people are easily misdiagnosed, especially girls! people can have both autism and adhd, but one doesn’t always come with the other. though they are similar in several ways, they are still very different.
executive dysfunction

adhd people find it extremely difficult to focus on things that don’t interest them. sometimes it’s even physically uncomfortable for us to sit in one place and do something we don’t feel like doing.
alternatively, something we Really Enjoy can be completely absorbing and take up literally all of our attention. this is called ‘hyperfixating’ on something. topics that adhd people tend to take very strong interest in are known as ‘hyperfixations’.

hyperfixating is another similarity to autistic peoples’ ‘special interests’. these are specifically neurodivergent terms. adhd people can have extensive knowledge on their hyperfixations and can focus for hours on one thing without trouble.

adhd people’s brains prioritize things not necessarily by importance, but by what’s most comfortable for us to be doing at the time. this leads to procrastination and is why we get so behind and disorganized. it’s not laziness!!!! it’s just how our brains work.
also, it manifests in ways like being unable to get up and do something even if we know we really, really should be doing it. we just Can’t. that’s not laziness either. don’t let people call you lazy for that, adhd friends.

memory- adhd people tend to have really bad short term memory loss. our focus jumps between different things so often that important stuff is easily left behind. we are always forgetting something we need to bring or where things are or what we need to buy
our brains run like we constantly have 50 tabs open at once. there’s always something new to pay attention to and things we need to remember get buried. it’s never because we just “don’t care enough.” we care a lot and we’re trying!
people tell us to “just make a schedule” or “just write it down in a list!!” i’m telling you.. WE WILL FORGET ABOUT THE LIST!! or we will lose it!! it Does Not Work we have Tried.

emotion: adhd people feel emotions REALLY STRONGLY. sometimes they’re too much to handle. people can get upset with us for being too sensitive when we get overly angry or sad about something. we’re easily overwhelmed in this sense so just have patience.
distractibility -

distractibility - this one is obvious, but it’s not cliche shit. we could be in the middle of something we want to do and get distracted and forget what we were doing. right now i’m supposed to doing notes but instead i’m here in Twitter.
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