Western leftists - or "anglo marxists" as some refer to them as - reek of colonialism when they behave like so. Implications by the white man that Iran would be almost more revolutionary if it did this or that w/o regard for the culture & situation abs reek of colonialism to me.
The Islamic Republic of Iran is the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is not the “Islamic State” - neither in terms of actually being Daesh but also not in terms of it being a state that merely includes religion based guidelines in its governance. Such language demonstrates to me - as
if the previous replies had not - that the western leftists lack a basic understanding of our Revolution, the people & running of the nation. It also makes their true feelings on Iran rather clear - which one can always appreciate. It’s good to recognise false solidarity.
An example of “running of the nation” btw would be the fact that the major sectors of the economy have been public since the Revolution. The increase in private & cooperative ownership in the past ~decade has been an attempt to combat the ever increasingly entrenched effects -
of sanctions. The increase has been an incredibly slow + a highly & consistently criticised process.

So who is actually at issue as illustrated by this example? The Islamic Republic? The Iranians who make up said Republic?
Or the imperialism and its makers who are glossed over by purist marxists in their attempt to not only portray communism as a copy + paste endeavour but also to maintain that any country who doesn’t function on that utopian level is not in fact a revolutionary nation -
deserving of their solidarity.

However, there is no utopian revolutionary state as has been imagined by them. No revolutionary society - incl. the ones most often exalted on this app - have ever created this ideal communist state.
So why are they selective w/their solidarity towards nations leading the resistance?

They could just express their feelings on Iran instead of deflecting using the words of Marx or Lenin - both of whom understood theory & phenomena were meant to be apllied within context.
More examples of the sort of people I’m referring to:

https://twitter.com/khoosh_/status/1232062850778177536?s=20 https://twitter.com/khoosh_/status/1232062850778177536
You can follow @khoosh_.
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