1.) In a world that is becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of climate change few Ontarians know that we have some of the cleanest and lowest carbon electricity in the world. This is largely thanks to the elephant in the room, Nuclear Energy. @StandUp4Nuclear
2.) Our Nuclear Stations provide 65% of our electricity while contributing almost no CO2 emissions and producing no air pollution. In combination with our hydroelectricity we have achieved the holy grail of deep decarbonisation of our electricity. @StandUp4Nuclear @TomHess_
3.) In the early 2000’s we replaced coal which was 25% of Ontario’s electricity mix with Nuclear. This was called “The single largest greenhouse gas reduction measure in North America” by the Ontario Power Authority. @Craig_Hotrum @SteveAplin @cadlam
4.) yet hardly anyone has even heard about the leading role that Nuclear Energy played in making this possible. The improvements in air quality lead to a reduction in smog days from 53 in 2004 at the beginning of the coal phaseout to zero in 2014 upon its completion. @mark_lynas
5.) The government of Ontario, Toronto Public Health and the Ontario Medical Association estimated that thousands of lives were saved and tens of thousands of hospitalizations were avoided annually through improved air quality. @TheSocietySays @thiesbeckers
6.) Pickering Nuclear Power station was built instead of a massive 4 gigawatt Coal plant and over its lifetime avoided the emission of incredible amounts of CO2 and enormous amounts of particulate air pollution. @CleanAirMoms
7.) Pickering however is slated to shutdown in 2024. It provides 3 gigawatts of emissions free electricity, that’s enough to power 2 millions homes. Pickering is one of the top performing Nuclear plants in the world providing electricity around the clock and through every season.
8.) Weather dependent renewables like wind and solar cannot replace this output. Ontario has 10 gigawatts of natural gas generation lurking in the shadows waiting to fill the gap. This will drive up our emissions and pollute our air with smog forming nitrogen oxides.
9.) In the context of a climate emergency where we are supposed to be racing to zero emissions by 2050 by “electrifying everything” it is a climate crime to not save Pickering.

We have been refurbishing our CANDU reactors at Darlington and Bruce.
10.) The labour force, supply chains and expertise are there to refurbish Pickering and keep it providing air pollution and emissions free electricity for many decades to come.
11.) Although the Nuclear industry has given up on saving Pickering for economic reasons we as grassroots citizen climate activists will not give up so easily and believe that solving climate change and having good air quality for our kids is worth a few extra pennies per kwh.
12.) Hundreds of thousands of Canadians marched in the streets of cities across Canada in September of 2019 to call attention and demand action on the Climate Crisis. By saving Pickering we have a tangible way to turn that call into a specific action. @NuclearSave
13.) Refurbishing Pickering will more than any other near term possible climate action lower our emissions and keep our air safe to breath. Help us to #SavePickering by #refurbishingpickering. @fordnation

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Stand Up For Nuclear Canada
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