Idk who needs to hear this, but you haven’t failed morally if you like a show or characters with problematic elements, and neither has anyone else. Fair criticism is good, but obsessing over whether every single thing you watch is problematic or not isn’t healthy.
Fandom isn’t about rooting out and punishing people bc you think you’re morally superior, it’s about fun and safely exploring topics you’re not able to explore irl
Of course, if you see that real people are actively being targeted and hurt by someone else, then report it. But a content creator or consumer who is minding their own business and engaging with an appropriate audience isn’t in the wrong
TL;DR, liking problematic media isn’t an auto indicator of your or someone else’s moral character. You may not personally like something, but someone else does, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Tag your fanfics and art and be respectful of each other.
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