My political thinking

I believe that progressives and conservatives represent the yin and yang of political thought

They are both important and both serve a purpose

What’s important is there needs to be balance - one side should never want to dominate the other

Thread ahead
Also, in politics one should never seek to dehumanize their opposition

By this I mean u should not see your political opponent as being bad or evil

If you think or feel this way STOP!

You may think they are wrong or misguided but don’t impugn their character unless u know them
It’s funny because progressive thought led to the enlightenment which is what modern civilization is built on: individual freedoms, democracy, scientific method, reason, the social contract

These things worked out pretty well, so for a long time both sides agreed on these things
Politics was mainly about how to govern the system and it’s citizens

Big vs small govt
Civil rights/LGBTQ rights/Women’s rights
Foreign Affairs
Social safety nets

But politics was rarely about the system itself
As far as left and right, it’s silly to make blanket statements about all Democrats and Republican

People should have individual opinions on each issue

You don’t choose a side and then root for them like the Yankees

If you agree with everything your side say, that’s a problem
Now I’m gonna go back a little bit in History to explain what politics today is really about

Also, it will make clear why political balance is important and how having 90% of academia and MSM being politically biased is dangerous
In the 70’s a philosophical movement known as post modernism emerged

It’s very vague and good luck trying to find one definition, but basically it rejects modernism (reason, science) because they don’t believe in the existence of absolute truth

Everything can be reinterpreted
This reinterpretation can best be seen in the current 2+2=5 debate

The idea is if you define your own rules, you can create a new truth which is correct from your point of view

All of a sudden it’s possible to challenge reason and science without having to adhere to any rules
In other words, you can reject just about anything that people believe to be objectively true by using subjective reasoning..including the enlightenment principals we originally all agreed upon

And there’s no way to prove them wrong because there are no longer any common rules
What happened over the next 30 years is that this philosophy gained a foothold in academia and launched the birth of all kinds of new disciplines in the humanities and social sciences

They started launching all kinds of nonsense academic theories based on subjective reasoning
Postmodernist theories:
-Power dynamics/patriarchy
-Systemic racism/CRT
-Gender fluidity

The most harmful is Identity Politics which seems to combine all of them

Put together, all these theories create an amorphous neo-marxist movement
Obama used Identity Politics because it was convenient politically, but that opened the floodgates

This coincided with the rise of social media, echo chambers and SJWs preaching to the masses

And all of a sudden all this postmodernist junk science became mainstream -example BLM
The consequences of this is the illiberal tendencies that appear when you have an ideology which is anti-reason/anti-science

They tend to want to silence those that disagree with them rather than engage in dialogue

They will cancel anybody that doesn’t conform 100%
When reason is considered a tool of oppression -> no debating or arguing is possible

In fact they go beyond that and resort to dehumanizing those who oppose them - there is no greater insult in modern society than to call someone a racist or a nazi

Yet this is common practice
Left unchecked, the radical left has started to:
-rewrite history (1619 Project-Pulitzer)
-narrow the Overton Window to allow for only their ideology
-censor political debate
-censor scientific debate
-openly practice racism against white people
-infiltrate K-12 school curriculum
Won’t this blow over?

Maybe if enough liberals take a stand and this has started with people like JK Rawling speaking out

And the leftists are a terribly disjointed movement lacking leadership or a particular plan beyond creating chaos

CHAZ is the best they could do
But the danger doesn’t stop there

If this continues, a countermovement will develop on the opposite side

That’s dangerous beyond comprehension

I know it might not seem likely but that’s what history predicts
There is an inbalance in politics which has been caused by the complete domination of Academia and Media by the left and particularly the far left

Progressives and Conservatives are no longer in a Ying and Yang relationship - Ying seems to want to eat Yang and take over
How can I say this?

There are generations of young people that have been indoctrinated into this junk science vision of the world

That is fundamentally unfair and dangerous

I would say the same thing if it was 90% conservative control of academia and media
Politics right now is not about policy - it’s a culture war

It’s a battle for the values and beliefs that we share as a country

One side says that America is evil and should be torn down and rebuilt

Other side say America may not be perfect but it’s the greatest Country ever
Some might say I’m exaggerating

There is a real assault on Science, Math and Reason in the USA

Look at the situation with COVID19:
-nobody is doing an objective analysis of the data
-policy does not correlate with data
-HCQ is banned even though there’s proof it might work
People say Trump’s an existential threat-I see zero evidence for this

He might be immoral, incompetent, a narcissist - but we’ve had many Presidents like that - he’s just more obvious

On the other hand, a movement that aims to tear America down is actually an existential threat
And to all the classical liberals out there:

At this juncture in History ask yourself:
-Do you have more in common with libertarians and conservatives or with the leftists?
-Do you think those leftists will protect your right to free speech and thought?
That’s all, hope it wasn’t too long

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