A lot of liberals are claiming it's the "end of democracy" because the USPS is moving underused collection boxes.

Was the Obama administration in on this conspiracy when they removed 14,000 mailboxes from 2011-2016?
If the President was trying to destroy the USPS in a convoluted scheme to steal the election, why would the Treasury Department have just finalized a $10 BILLION loan to the USPS (which it hasn't yet touched)?
For years, liberals claimed that Russia colluded with the President to steal the last election by putting memes on social media.

Be skeptical when the same liberals come up with new earth-shattering claims about this election being stolen.
If every 2016 voter voted absentee, it would total less than 1% of the mail the USPS delivers each year.

Mass vote-by-mail is full of problems and opportunities for fraud, but the USPS can handle that volume.
The USPS isn’t the challenge: it’s state election officials who are setting unrealistic deadlines and are relying on flawed, outdated voter files.
If this crowd feels safe enough to join a mass protest based on misinformation, perhaps it's safe enough to vote in person.
Let's call this what it is: a ploy by Democrats to raise money from gullible liberals.
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