(Discalimer: I am a vehement secularist.)

Unpopular opinion (?)
The secular civil state is no alchemical magical solution to our woes. It is not sectarian politics that led us to bankruptcy, nor was it that lead to the deaths & destruction in our capital recently.

#Lebanon , in principle, is not a theocracy, it is a civil state. Sectarianism is little more than the guise & tool that the feudal chieftains use & abuse to maintain their hold on wealth & power, & it is in reality a sectarianism that they propogated & instilled.

Whatever political framework is set up (secular, theocratic, etc), this league of thugs will still utilize their systems of jobberry, nepotism, & kleptocracy.

You wish to see a new state emerge? Remove the lot of them, imprison them, exile them, then indeed build your Civitas.
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