This thread I wrote about why the new Cardi B WAP song & video is terrible for our youth has been seen by millions of people now on social media. I want to respond to the critics. This may take a while but it’s worth going deeper on this. So here we go...
"Watch your kids if you don’t want them to see it"

That’s a nice thought in theory but my kids have to interact with all kids including those who don’t have parents that protect them from this trash. If those kids are sexualized early on, it creates a culture of pressure early.
I care about all kids. American culture needs to value all children. We define what’s normal & acceptable. If a huge # of kids are able to see this on Apple, YouTube & Amazon, it’s normal & acceptable. That’s dangerous for our future and ALL kids. We’re sexualizing innocent kids.
"You’re only saying this because Cardi is a woman"

Nope. I called out Boosie when he said he got a grown woman to have sex (it’s not sex it’s rape) with his 12 year old son. I called out Snoop’s behavior that I didn’t agree with toward women. I’m equal opportunity.
"What about you? You made videos with rappers like Lil Yachty, Snoop Dogg, Gucci Mane, Boosie, Eve, MGK, PNB Rock, Ty Dolla Sign etc"

Yeah I own it, it’s called growth and I’m proud of my growth. I see how bad this is for young people and I won’t be a part of it. If an artist..
If an artist is degrading toward women or is a terrible example to young people and doesn’t want to change, I won’t be doing videos for them. I already turned down tons of videos due to this. I own my mistakes. Next...

"They didn’t make this for kidz Robby!"
Okay so for the "They don’t make these trashy vulgar songs for kids" crowd:

They do. This is a dirty little secret in the music business. If you look at the analytics for the nasty, vulgar songs, you find that they are in fact targeting underage audiences. Why? To poison them.
Why would these companies want to poison youth? Poisoned people are easy to control. They want you stuck in a cycle of spending your money on the "new wave" whether it’s a $1300 cell phone, drugs or Gucci. Then you’re stuck in a cycle of NEEDING politicians to bail you out.
This is especially true in Black & Latino communities. They want us to be 100% dependent on government. That’s how the Democratic Party wins. The easiest path for them is to make sure you’re stuck in an unwinnable cycle. Let me explain that cycle...
They built an ecosystem of content via music, TV and film that tells you you’re a victim. Not just a victim but a hated victim. They tell you you can’t possibly get out. They glorify selling drugs & being in gangs. They tell you to be a real man you should have tons of "b*tches".
They make it culturally normal to leave the home and not be a real present dad to your kids. They tell women that their worth is in their body. They tell women that the way to get a man is working that body and not inside your brain. They normalize the pain in your streets and...
What would the world look like if we told everyone how great they could be? If we talked about how strong families make great futures? If we hyped up owning a home instead of owning Gucci or Louis Vuitton? If we hyped up respect instead of getting p*ssy? If we hyped up hard work?
The world would be too good of a place. So they keep us in a mental prison to continue the cycle of abuse, pain, poverty, death, etc.

It’s a rollercoaster that they’re trying so hard for you not to get off of because if you do you’ll be able to see what they’ve been doing.
They intentionally amplify narratives to get you angry. A black man killed unjustly by police... is it important? Very. Every life is. But is it statistically common? No. In 2019 14 black men were killed by police unarmed. 25 white men were killed unarmed that same year....
Why does that matter? We just saw use this to get people to burn down their own neighborhoods. Burn down their own black owned businesses. It’s an endless cycle to make sure you don’t get ahead. You know the wheel in the hamster cage to keep them busy? They put you on that wheel.
All of these industries in media/music and all the cities with the worst problems have one thing in common. They’re all run by Democrats. Cities where Black and Latino Americans live have been getting less safe and more dependent for decades. Democrats ran them the whole time.
You know what they fear more than anything else? That we’ll all wake up and unite for a better world. That we’ll turn their trash off and get out on the streets to do good together. That we’ll vote Republican for prosperity, school choice, jobs and innovation for EVERY community.
Back to the Cardi B video....

Ask yourself why a successful director who made tons of money directing huge celebrities is committing career suicide by saying all of this.

The industry is a DARK place and I’m trying to shine a light on it. Why do I care?
I care because I’m a Dad. I value our next generation. I believe they should have a better future and a better life than we have. I think we have a chance to level up for our kids sake. If we all unite we can be a force for incredible good... Where does that start?
It starts at home. Turn off the trash. Take your kids, cousins, family outside. It might be uncomfortable at first but you will fall in love with doing real things together. Build something, write out your dreams, pump kids up that they CAN do anything they set their mind to.
Teach our sons to value and respect our daughters, Mothers & Grandmothers. Teach our daughters that a man is worthless if he doesn’t treat you with respect. Create an environment of trust where your kids will tell you anything. Model love & respect in your relationships.
"Stay out of women’s business Robby!"

I have 2 daughters. Both I protect from poisonous trash like WAP, but they’ll grow up in a world where others use sex to get ahead if we allow this trash to control our youth. Men will treat them less respectfully because of this trash.
With all due respect, it is my business. I am literally in this business and my kids will have to live in a world that this trash poisons. Too many people are afraid to be real. I’m not afraid. I’ll give up everything to fight for a better future for our kids if I have to.
I’m not even getting into the deeper evils within the industry in this thread but I will say that Cardi B is not an anomaly. There are tons of artists who got where they are because they will do anything *and I mean anything* for $ and fame. They happily trade our kid’s 🧠 for $.
I won’t let the industry censor my opinions through the threat of being canceled.

The left can’t say anything to make me regret that I talked.

I don’t feel the pressure and I will not be censored.

I won’t apologize.


Our kids deserve better.
It’s been a few days and I’ve received lots of angry messages from leftists. I’ve thought about what I said deeply and I’d just like to take this time from the bottom of my heart to apologize to....


WAP by CardiB is trash poisoning youth.
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