Honestly, I feel like this "tryhards" vs "casuals" gaming shit goes past what everyone keeps arguing about. Yeah it seems to just be about what's fun to each side, and that's a huge chunk of it. So let's explore how I feel about that first.
I feel like fun is definitely subjective. If casual players feel like its fun to play with people on their skill level in a low intensity setting that's more about laughs and silliness than skill and winning, I can't blame them for that.
If more competitive players feel like its fun to play in a high stakes setting where winning is the ultimate goal and showing dominance is where the joy comes from, I cant blame them for that.
I feel like the issue is each side of this debate wants to be able to play in a space where no one has an issue with their wants. And that just can't happen because of online gaming. See back in the day with local gaming only, you could be around whoever you wanted and it was ok.
Now, you dont really have complete control over who you play with unless you only do private matches. In a game without that option, you're helpless to curate your experience.
So we get situations like that video where the casual player gets frustrated because he is forced to play with someone who is clearly not about that "play for fun" life. Or situations where a sweaty 5 stack in OW gets a player who dont GAF about winning and they lose.
I feel like everyone deserves the gaming experience they want, and in cases where you have control over that, you should exercise it. My issue always seems to be with the "tryhards" and there is a reason for that. It's not because I'm not one.
The reason is when the casuals complain about playing with tryhards, its always "git gud" or "go play something else" as if they are the issue. But when the tryhards complain about having to play with casuals, its either crickets or they are STILL the issue.
Basically, we have arrived at a point in gaming where it's not ok to not be competitive, unless you do it in your own little bubble away from the competitors. And I feel like that's some baby back bullshit.
If I show up to open gym to hoop where I know there will be college players and former pros, I KNOW I have no business being there. I aint on that level.

And if Im a D1 prospect, I'm not gonna go to Saturday morning hoops with the 35+ crowd that plays for fun.
BOTH SIDES act like this is whats happening in gaming, but no one is doing this shit on purpose. We aren't crashing each other's party just to fuck it up. Which brings me to my other point.
The reason why this is even really a thing is because gaming has evolved to a point where its such a huge part of everyday life. So now EVERYONE cares about their social standing in the gaming community.
Remember when all that mattered was your achievement score? That shit was the end all be all. Then Sony got trophies. People were OBSESSED with that shit. Then it became your K/D ratio.
Now it's just a full blown thing. Who you are in these streets is directly tied to what you have accomplished competitively. Even outside of competitive games.

"Cant play Ghost if you dont have a Sekiro clear" was a joke, but to a lot of you it really wasnt.
I dunno man. I get it, but I dont. I get wanting to be amongst like minded gamers. I get deriving joy from being good. I get wanting respect for putting the time in. I get how getting better can make you happy. I get all of that.
I ALSO get how the joy can come from just kicking it on the sticks. I get how people want none of the pressure that comes with being competitive. I get how people can play a game JUST BECAUSE they like to play it, regardless of skill or outcome.
Just wish both sides of the debate respected each other more.

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