"headcanoning a character as neurodivergent glorifies autism and adhd" good
no one who headcanons a character as nd acts like adhd and autism are easy to live with at all times but our representation is so negative and one-dimensional that whenever a neurotypical sees someone enjoying part of being nd or showcasing all aspects of it they lose it
neurotypical people don't have to be miserable constantly and demonize their own neurodivergency we are literally just people and seeing and recognizing nd traits in characters is incredibly comforting and validating
also i'd rather have neurodivergency be glorified than treated like something that's inherently bad or needs to be fixed
also let's talk about the fact that neurodivergent people are usually the ones making neurodivergent headcanons and that maybe just maybe you should look to how nd people view being neurodivergent and adjust your mindset. we're complex. we're not bad. we're just different.
nothing funnier than a neurotypical person saying that neurodivergent people are somehow bad for seeing themselves in characters like maybe stop thinking that being neurodivergent is an inherently bad or negative thing ❤️
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