Sometimes I'll see tweets from guys on here all like "get a passive income stream, live within your means" and wonder why we aren't addressing the underlying causes of economic inequity that make financial security increasingly elusive for people.
It's a kind of subgenre of hustle porn that seems to implicitly blame people for taking on debt when the fact is that we live in a country where many people have to take on debt to live.
While I understand why people seek to establish passive income streams and live debt-free, just once I'd like to see financial independence Twitter acknowledge that this is not possible for many (read: non-white) people by design.
Until financial independence Twitter acknowledges this, it will continue to be a bunch of obnoxious, back-slapping, well to-do tech consultants who are deliberately simplifying the reality of trying to "make it" in a system that is increasingly hostile to working people.
Like, instead of tweeting shit you read from some white author's nth treatise on minimalism, maybe use your considerable influence to advocate for a system that treats all people with dignity instead of low-key shaming them about their revolving debt.
And! AND! Maybe acknowledge your white privilege, and how your upbringing and surroundings gave you a leg up.

There's a reason why payday loan joints aren't in white neighborhoods, you know. It's because the system centers and enables the success of white people.
If you're saving money and living debt-free, good for you. I mean it.

But please, don't pretend for one second that you somehow got there on your own, and that it universally applies.

Also, quit pretending the system won't take everything you have if you get sick. It 100% will.
You can follow @malchata.
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