there will always be a power imbalance between a viewer and the streamer. in the eyes of content creation and entertainment, it makes sense to put a them on a higher pedestal for reasons. WHEN or IF that relationship becomes more, more intimate or more romantic,-
it NEEDS to be assessed and just talked about the DIFFERENCE IN POWER. too many times ive seen and heard people in the community, from EVERYWHERE, talk about “streamer messaged me -> we talk -> they treat me more than a friend? it gets mutually sexual? -> they leave/ hurt me.”
and no, its not the victims fault for being excited to depen, what was SUPPOSED TO BE AT THE TIME, a friendship that turned sour. and IF both pursue romantic intrests, IT NEEDS TO BE MUTUAL
a great fucking example is ellen and michael, ellen WAS A VIEWER BEFORE DATING MICHAEL, and michael had told me that BEFORE because DING DING streamers can date viewers if the THEYRE TREATED AS EQUALS IN THE RELATIONSHIP.
and obviously me and luna arent official but we have BOTH mutually spoken about how we love each other bc idk he doesnt have anything to hide??? cuz hes not weird or manipulative??
oh also another great example is fucking burren and isabel (naturallyisabel) ((love u guys)) because OMG she was a MOD for him before they started dating and GUESS what they probably?? talked about it before they dated?
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