When my patient came to the hospital unable to breathe weeks after #COVID19, it was his heart not his lungs that was failing. Now he might need a ♥️transplant.

In @nytopinion I explain how COVID19 could create a wave of heart disease. Here's how 1/n https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/17/opinion/covid-19-heart-disease.html?smid=tw-share
The study I cite showing very high rates of myocarditis after COVID19 has had important concerns raised. See this thread from the great @ProfDFrancis. As I wrote, generalizability & significance of these findings are unknown. We def need more data. 3/n https://twitter.com/ProfDFrancis/status/1294370975702822914
Another MAJOR way that COVID19 has spread heart disease is likely through deferral or interruption of routine care. See these data I looked at from @CDCgov showing how many more have died of heart disease, diabetes and stroke since February. 4/n
While excess heart deaths have come down, they are now going back up. The solution is simple: control the pandemic! If pandemic is uncontrolled both direct and indirect effects of COVID19 will continue to kill countless. 5/5 CC: @EricTopol @ScottGottliebMD @ashishkjha
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