Without the right mindset, you can't succeed.

Here are 5 awesome threads to improve your life

Thread #1: How cheap dopamine is screwing up your life by @devinmcdermot

It pinpoints a HUGE issue today, and tells you exactly how to fix it. https://twitter.com/devinmcdermot/status/1273288310216155141?s=20
Thread #2: How to fix procrastination by @galjudo

If you're a chronic procrastination, this one's for you.

Learn why the brain doesn't want you to change: https://twitter.com/galjudo/status/1245347085093920773?s=20
Thread #3: How to master your 20's by @thedankoe

Solid, practical advice for everyone.

It lays the foundation for success at any age.

Highly recommended https://twitter.com/thedankoe/status/1276445647084949504?s=20
Thread #4: Understanding habits by @JamesClear

Habits are key.

If you don't have them, they'll mess you up.

If you do, you'll win. https://twitter.com/JamesClear/status/1059504529111158784?s=20
Thread #5: 10 ways to stop over thinking by @VexKing

This one really resonates with me.

I'm in my head a lot, so https://twitter.com/VexKing/status/978283410358640640?s=20
Conclusion -

That's it, thanks for reading!

Hope you found this useful 🙏
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