Bees: sociable, sophisticated & inspiring, these tiny animals contribute c. €22 billion each year to the #EU economy! But their populations have declined by over 75% in the last 30 years. So, to bee or not to bee? That is the question.

This needs a thread! #BiodiversityCorner.
First, let’s learn more about them. Prepare to 🐝 amazed!

#DYK bees’ tiny wings can beat 200 times a second & they detect motion 6x quicker than us? Their five, hairy eyes can detect ultraviolet light, the sun behind clouds 🌥️ & possibly even wind direction!
Though some bees are solitary, most bees live in highly structured communities of more than 15,000 individuals. Each of these societies is called a ‘colony’ & cooperates to raise young, collect & store food, & even to produce honey! 👇

📸Scott Bauer
Amazingly, these societies are almost entirely female! 😮You’ll know there’s only one queen bee in each hive, but #dyk the infertile worker bees are also female? Male bees, called ‘drones’, play one role only: fertilizing the queen bee.


📸John B Free
So what’s life like for the queen bee? 👑Egg-focussed! Her primary responsibility is to produce more bees & she does this diligently! Queens lay up to 2000 eggs each day, then gradually fertilize them with sperm they’ve stored from mating with drones. 👇
But queen bees are fed special royal jelly, a highly nutritious substance secreted from a gland in bees’ heads! 🐝This enables queens to outgrow others & develop reproductive organs worker bees lack. Check out this video by @hankgreen to learn more! 👇
It’s pretty rare for larvae to be fast-tracked to royalty: it only happens when the old #queen dies or leaves the hive with a swarm to found a new colony. Which takes a loooong time, in bee time anyway…
Queen bees live 6–10x longer than worker bees, and 18–30x longer than drones. To non-queens, they must seem to 🐝immortal!😮 So it's a never ending wait for their successors (ring any bells, Prince Charles? 😉).

But when they do die, things get... tense. Newly hatched queens fight to the death for sole rule of the hive in a bitter power-battle. ⚔️👇
In the summertime, queens mate with drones in a series of rapid ‘mating flights’. After this ‘last hurrah’ drones usually die—if not, they’re kicked out of the hive to make room for new bees to hatch. Puts your #MondayMood into perspective...👇
Worker bees don’t just feed drones... Who cleans, guards, & maintains the honeycomb & hive? 🍯Who distributes the nectar & fans it dry? Who feeds the larvae? & who collects nectar and pollen in the first place? Yup: worker bees.🐝 #ninetofive
All this work takes its toll on them! In the summer season, when pollen-collection reaches its peak, worker bees only live for 6 weeks before dying of exhaustion.😢👇
Bees are team-workers & communicate with each other… through dance! 💃In 1927, Karl von Frisch realised bees’ ‘waggle dances’ explain exactly where & how far away pollen supplies are, while ‘round dance’ show there’s pollen nearby. #betterbeelieve👇
Given their amazing behaviours, it’s no surprise bees feature in ancient bee-lief systems! Roman Stoics thought bees contained a spark of divinity✨, while ancient Egyptians believed bees were created from the tears of the sun-god Ra☀️.
Nor is it strange that they’ve long inspired art! One 17,000-year-old cave painting from southern Spain shows someone stealing honey from a bee’s nest. 😮👇

Nectar, hidden deep in flowers, is one of bees’ favourite foods. While feasting🌷, bees get covered in pollen from the flower’s pollen-producing stamens. As they jump flowers they fertilize them by rubbing pollen from one onto another's stigma.🌹🌼👇 
As an aside, #bees have a special feature to help them reach nectar… their incredible proboscis! This long tube, a bit like a trunk 🐘, extends down from their face into the flower. Bees also clean it with their front legs! Check it out 👇
Anyway, if flowers aren’t fertilized their plants can’t produce fruits or seeds. 🍏🍎Which is a shame, because that’s what we eat! Grains like wheat & barley, #vegetables, fruits, and pulses all depend on pollination to grow.
By pollinating crops, insects like bees hugely increase #farmers’ yields. Increasing bee populations around farms has been shown to improve crop production & profitability more than pesticides! 🐝 #beeautiful

Pollination is critical to growing food—we couldn’t eat without it. Bees pollinate over 70% of the crops we eat, a service valued at over ¢30bn / year. Without them, fruit & veg stocks would halve. No 🥕🧅🍈🍉🍷... the list goes on.👇
But losing bees won’t just affect our veg supply. Remember the food web? If animals like mice & rabbits can’t find fruit, veg, berries & grains, their populations will crash, and so will their predators', & their predators’ predators'...

📷 @ballenamar
… until you reach us. Cows 🐮, for example, eat alfalfa, which bees pollinate. Bees’ pollination services underpin vast swathes of the food web, directly impacting the fruit, veg, meat & dairy that we eat. 🐝
One reason is change in land use. Wildflower meadows 🌼, bees' preferred habitats, are being cleared at an alarming rate to make space for crops... killing off the bees. 🌽💀The irony is, crops grow better when bees are about! 👇
In England, for example, 98–99% of wildflower meadows have been destroyed for intensive #farming since 1930. Bee populations have fallen in tandem, shrinking by a third in the last decade with several species going extinct.👇
But there’s more. The tick-like varroa mite lives on the back of honeybees, sucking their blood during the winter.🩸 Bees try to flee the mite by abandoning their colonies and seeking new homes, but in doing this unwittingly spread the mite! 👇
It’s not clear what we can do about these mites. So-called ‘killer bees’ can get rid of them, but get rid of livestock too…
We sort-of know what's causing bee #extinction, & we know that bees are critical to our food systems. So... what are we doing about it?
In June 2018 the @EU_Commission adopted the #EUPollinatorsInitiative. 🙌🐝This hopes to halt bee decline by researching & tackling its causes & raising awareness. But how exactly this is done won’t be finalized until the end of this year. 👇
It's definitely cause for #hope. Best case scenario: the EU Pollinators Initiative stops the #CommonAgriculturalPolicy's incentives for pollinator destruction 🚜, limits & monitors harmful pesticides ☠️, & restores & connects pollinators' habitats🐝.

📸 Getty
If we don’t address #climatechange, bee populations also will remain under threat. The Paris Agreement, the #EUGreenDeal, & the upcoming #COP26 negotiations all play a critical role in saving the bees. 🐝😍
And remember, you have a voice! Tell your politicians to prioritize pollinators over pesticides, speak out against #ClimateChange & #vote for parties with strong environmental policies! Let’s #beestrong & speak out together to save the bees... & ourselves.
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