#OTD General Simonds od II Corps meets with General Maczek of 1DP at Hill 159.1DP was the isolated tip of a very porous wedge.Their situation was precarious but Simonds orders the Poles on towards Chambois. Simonds promised Canadians support from the north&US linkup from south.
PL officers wondered why Montgomery in charge of 2 armies in theory was sending direct orders via corps commanders to individual divisions.The plan had changed for the 4th time.They knew that they could not secure the area they were supposed to cross to Chambois.Orders are orders
Koszustki’s battlegroup 2 Armored Regiment 8th Rifle plus AT elements was in the best position to move to Chambois even if exhausted and running low on supplies. Who lost his way for a variety of factors including massive language diffficulties - Normandy French vs Polish.
He moved out in the evening. And I could describe his adventures with II Panzer Corps HQ but I’ll leave that for tomorrow because it’s the morning of the 18th. Very Hogan’s Heroes.
I forgot to mention that 10th Dragoon Regiment was making a recce in force fighting Panthers and Tigers from the 21 Panzer Division. 21 Pz used to 4th Light... which the 10th Armored Cavalry (Maczek) had fought to a standstill around Jordanow->Lwow.
Take a look at this map, I think it’s the best I’ve seen of 1D movements and the area of Chambois east of Falaise.
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