Now it's the turn of the two living GOP nominees of this century.

George W Bush and Mitt Romney, this is your Hamilton moment.
As many know, the climactic political event in the hit musical Hamilton (as it was in the life of the 18th century statesman who shares its name) was his active and decisive support of his intellectual and political rival Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800
Though they disagreed on the contentious policy questions of the day, Hamilton knew that the character of the president shapes the character of the nation

Burr may have been closer on the issues, but Hamilton crossed party lines because of integrity
"Mr. Jefferson, though too revolutionary in his notions, is yet a lover of liberty and will be desirous of something like orderly Government–Mr. Burr loves nothing but himself–thinks of nothing but his own aggrandizement–and will be content with nothing short of permanent power"
One can't help read those words Hamilton wrote to Harrison Otis without thinking of our present crisis.

Patriots at the end of their careers, Bush and Romney have nothing to lose but the time spent chuckling over some angry typo-filled tweets. They have a Republic to help save.
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